BBC Series “Frozen Planet II” Released
Today the BBC is releasing the first episode of Frozen Planet II.
I feel very privileged to have had the chance to film a sequence for this series. I filmed Lapland bumblebees in the Arctic for episode 5, “Frozen Lands”. Sir David Attenborough himself called this bee “the star of the show,” so you can imagine how excited I am to watch the episode when it airs on October 9. I also made a minor contribution to episode 6, “Our Frozen Planet”, which concludes the series with the stories of scientists who dedicate their lives to studying climate change and airs October 16.
The series will run for six episodes, every Sunday on BBC One at 8 pm GMT, kicking off today (September 11).
More than a decade on from the original Frozen Planet, this BBC landmark series explores Earth’s frozen habitats. Vast frozen wildernesses cover more than a fifth of our planet; from its highest peaks to its snowbound deserts, to deep beneath the ice. Between them, they contain an astonishing array of animals, many that are found nowhere else on Earth. Frozen Planet II reveals the extraordinary ways by which they manage to survive.